
What type of tote bags does Laurel Burch make?

What type of tote bags does Laurel Burch make will include many different kinds to fit the taste of all the ladies that love her art work. This list of types include portrait of cats, quilted, medium totes along with large square, large and medium scoop, overnight tote, and the medium shoulder bag to name a few. 

Laurel Burch Tote

The themes on most of the totes are feline but there are other animals too, like horses, birds, fish, mermaids and dogs to help fit the many personalities and moods of the ladies of the world. Another very nice aspect to the Laurel Burch totes is the same theme can be found on a variety of sizes which makes it possible for you to have your favorite design and characters to match your needs when having to transport the items required for your excursion into the world around you. The themes are also available on Laurel Burch scarves and umbrellas so you can coordinate in the Laurel Burch artwork you love.

A good example of the variety available in a tote with the same theme is the Native Horse tote collection. This group has four different styles of tote that all follow the same theme. On the outer side of the totes is a herd of painted ponies the natives of America rode from an impressionist’s artist’s point of view. Each horse is a different color and has a unique design making each one special. The background color is a medium brown. The back side of the tote is has a zig zag design of different shades of orange and red across it as used by many native American tribes. 

The varieties of totes that are in this design and can be purchased from ColorfulCritters include the medium Hobo bag, medium tote, shoulder tote and the travel bag. With these variations you can have the size you need in the style and art that you want to fit your particular needs.

Another set of totes that are very popular is the Celestial Feline collection. This collection has a set of felines in the sitting position that cover the outside of the tote. They represent to differences between day and night with the sun on the body of the left cat while a celestial moon is on the other. The day cat has a background of purple with orange and yellow stars on her. The night cat is a base color of green with blue stars on her. 

Laurel Burch Tote

The variations in the totes of this collection include tote scoop, travel overnight bag and the medium tote bag. Each one is held closed with a zipper at the opening to help keep what you are carrying inside at all times.

These are just a few examples of what you can find when choosing from the many collections of Laurel Burch totes. No matter what you need to take with you, you can always have Laurel Burchs cheerful and happy artwork with you with one of these wonderful and colorful totes on your shoulder.

4th Dec 2014 Douglas Gray

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